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Coming of Shadows

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Coming of Shadows Empty Coming of Shadows

Post  Lunar Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:43 pm


They hunt the weak humans making them slaves or killing them on the spot. They are most recocnized by the metal spikes potruding from their backs. They are long and razor sharp, poisoned on the tips, the tips can be any color ranging from black to white, with all the colors in between. The males are more bland than the females, they are usually tall and almost hunched over in a crouch-like position and they hunt in shadows. They stalk to the side and keep their bodies low, they look like a human except they have patches of metal on their faces. It could cover an eye, or it could make a design in their faces, but it doesn't come off, it's just metal skin. The females on the other hand are beautiful, they have the same spikes coming of their backs like the males, but they can curl into elegant twists and they feel like silk, they harden and become a defensive mechanism since they are longer and more useful to the females since they can make a protective shell around themselves and another Hunter. Their hair is usually long and it can be any color, even multiple colors. The females stay standing up since they usually don't hunt unless they are what they call "shadows" Female hunters rank the highest in the Haldis zone and they are among the strongest creatures in the realm.

Falcons are the messengars from different territories. They wear the colors of the clan they came from, like the "Haldis" is red and the "Ocean" is blue. They are mutations of a human and some kind of bird. Some look plain disgusting while others are beautiful. They are only mixed with birds that can fly so they could fly to their destination. They are smaller, they were made form a young child so if they got mixed with a bluejay they could move faster than frail wings to carry a full grown person. They usually have a beak and a set of wings to carry them across the realm. Falcons concept art is that they always have a special dressage of a shirt made of the material their territory makes, if it is silk they would have a silk shirt with the colors of the territory. Their pants would be a brown pair of pants that they bought from a store in their territory. They are the most naive creatures out there and they listen to anyone with a message.

The humans play a small role in the realm, they just wandered into some portal placed around the human world and if they step in, then it's their fault. They just run around and try to survive so they don't get eaten or enslaved by the other species. Mostly humans don't live past a week without running into a different species, the most common would be the Lizards. Humans occasionally try to bribe the other species so they can live through the ordeals of the realm. As soon as they walk through the portal, it closes and it is moved somewhere else in the human world.

Lizards are nothing special, they are just pets that eat anything that isn't wanted. They are the size of a person at the height of six feet and they protect their masters. They are easy to befriend if they are domestic, but wild ones get much bigger, more dangerous and they even eat the stronger species in the realm. They are found in all the realms and they are covered in leather and metal scales, but it depends on it's location in the realm. They are most commonly found in the "Ocean" territory.

Most commonly known as the "Ocean" territory. They are the strongest species in the realm and the most advanced. They have designs etched into their skin from head to toe and it says their prophecy and life within it, it is impossible for the owner to read it, but someone else can except they can't for when they try their voices don't work and they are paralyzed until they stop trying to say it. It has to just play itself out. Each Lily's marks are different colored from another Lily, even if it just a shade darker or lighter it is still not the same, they may the smae prophecy, but it will eventually branch off into another place even if it says the same thing. When the time has come for the prophecy to begin then the marks begin to glow and they can read it. Their eyes match the color of their marks and some may even have two-toned eyes because of it. They are the opposite of the Hunters, the men are more beautiful than the women, usually they have the face of an "angel" with painted on colors, almost like make-up but they are permanently there and most species want to get on their good sides. The colors are based off their marks, if they have pink marks, then they would have dark hued make-up instead of another light colored one. The females are like the males, but they have little paint on their faces and usually it is on their cheeks of the shape of the first thing they see, they are usually born in a meadow surrounded by flowers and other foliage, if they see a tree, they would have brown and green paint and it would go around their face in a way roots of the tree would.

(I will add more later)
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Coming of Shadows Empty Coming of Shadows

Post  Lunar Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:18 pm

All the territories are placed in a circle around the Plains and all the territories are the same size, but that doesn' mean all of it is able to be used.

Haldis territory:
The territory is nothing but mountains. It is beautiful and looks small from afar with the different hues playing with the sun, some may even look purple when it could be covered in snow, but in between the largest mountains there is a small village with hundreds of houses, with Hunters and their pets. There is a school that any species can attend that lives close to the territory, the building stretches from one side of the first mountain to the second mountain they are in between. It is cold year round, but sometimes it is warm on a few days, but yet there is barely any snow, it just rains and turns to ice.

A territory where any school students can come to play at, there is always peace there, yet from all territories it is three miles to walk. All the species can make friends and work on homework until they go home. The majority of the humans end up at the plains, but it's always dusty and the middle of nowhere, but sometimes they eventually make it to the realm creatures, where they usually make friends, enslaved, killed or just left alone to die. The very center of the plains was created, there is benches, trees planted and looks like a person's backyard for when they want to enjoy the nature view. On the outskirts the plains is a dark damp place with no water, trees and basically nothing in sight. Just grassy hills and the never ending walk that it would take, it would be surprising if someone made it to the edge, without making it to the center.

The Lily species lives and thrives in this region. It gets it's name from the bodies of water covering the left half of the territory. It is like the human world ocean, but the species can breathe under the water, they even have homes in there, well they are all back-ups in case something happens, like a war traveling across their region. The species gets the name from the lily fields all around the perimeter. The territory is an even balance of flat and hilled land. It has grass, trees and it is one of the more peaceful regions around.

The craters territory got it's name from the multiple craters covering most of the territory. The territory is only used for hatching the falcons. Then one of the other territories generals come over and then they grab one or two before coming back and claiming it as part of their territory. The baby falcons cannot fly so they are safe from the dark craters littered all over. The only time they are in danger is if they fall and hurt themselves, or even kill themselves.
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Coming of Shadows Empty Coming of Shadows

Post  Lunar Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:59 am


Running through the forest the girl's hands scaraped against the branches as she shoved them roughly away from her body. They were reaching for her, pulling at her hair, legs, clothing and it was relentless. It always seemed to strike like a wasp until you swatted it away. Passing through the thick foliage the girl had to duck down to escape whatever had been chasing her. It was breathing evenly while her breath was heavy and gaspy, but theirs remained calm like they knew they would win in the end, plus they didn't sound breathless. Seeing something almost like an overhang on the edge she prayed that it would only be a small drop, but she gasped when she almost went over the edge, falling backwards she put her arms out for anything to grab and it happened to be another branch. It was a thin one, but it was sturdy. Getting a tight grip on it the girl pulled herself across the ground and ruining her jeans even more as she was at the trunk of the tree. With her chest heaving she didn't dare look over the edge, she was safe from that danger, but the breathing creature was gone, they vanished, she didn't feel the ominous prescence coming from the darkness. Leaning her head against the tree trunk she closed her eyes with a relieved sigh, she could hear a scream off in the distance. She knew the creature was still lurking in the shadows, it was coming and when it found her she was going to be dead too. Knowing it the girl pulled out her journal since it would probably be her last entry forever. She began to write:

My name is Ali and I found a portal earlier today, and it seems that it took me to some place with a forest. I don't think I am in my world anymore. All I know is that I heard quick light breathing and it was chasing me for a long period of time, well it just seemed that way because of the trees pulling at my brown hair. I am scared now because I know it is waiting for me somewhere, I heard a scream and I know it was a human, I just have that vibe. This will be my last diary entry for the night, maybe even forever, but I pray it's not. I will just have to believe I can get away, but I know for a fact that in a few hours it will be daylight and hopefully this will scare them off so I can get away and find help, I want to go over the overhang, but knowing that it is a long drop that would cause injury, I think it knew what it was doing like it was driving me towards the ledge, but it is just a prediction. Well, goodbye, I am leaving the journal here by the trunk of the tree and I hope someone finds this so they can reread my thoughts of this wonderous new world. maybe one day humans like myself can tame the wild creatures here and make it right. Plus, it seems like this place is set in the past, there is nothing here that would trigger the time of my own.

Glancing around Ali pushed her feet ito the soft soil as she pulled herself up with the help of the tree she could move almost silently so a twig wouldn't step, she made sure she stepped on the soil instead of anything else. Peering carefully over the edge Ali dared to poke her head farther out to see beyond the darkness. Shaking she reached out to the right in the darkness her fingers scrambled to find anything to use. Picking up a rock she looked for anything she could tie a match to. Grabbing her shirt sleeve Ali took the risk of ripping her shirt. Hearing the tearing fabric she grit her teeth as the fabric came loose. Reaching into her back pocket she reached for a match. Almost screaming with joy Ali struck it against the rock and she caught the fabric on fire, it was a stupid move, but she had to knwo when the cliff ended. Throwing it off the cliff it felt like eternity until she heard the splashing of water and the flame went out. Holding her breathe Ali stood up, she would have to be brave enough to jump. Taking a few steps back she ran forward, slipping a few times on the mud, but she finally met the edge where she jumped off into oblivion, the distant splash could be heard throughout the forest as it slowly turned to daylight.

Chapter 1

The distant waves

Waves lapped at the shoreline where the roaring of the waves could only be heard. A young girl was laying in the soft, wet sand that was slowly suffocating her if she wouldn't wake up soon, she would be dead. Ali had been out since she had hit the water, it was a hard impact and she had hit her head off a boulder while smaller stones erupted from the bottom of the ocean and had punctured her skin. It was unknown how long she had been unconscious, but it was long enough for her to get to the shore with minor injuries.

Ali lifted her groggy head as she got a look around. It felt safer since she was away from the hunting creature, plus the sun was warming her skin as she pushed herself up with her amrs. Breathing in the sweet air, it smelled like flowers, but every breath was agony, which only made her realize she was still alive. Her limbs were shaky and it hurt to move them even an inch, but she had to go on and fight her way out of the mess she had gotten herself into. Heaving a sigh and a pained gasp Ali forced herself to stand as she took wobbly steps forward, right then left she kept telling herself as she made her way away from the ocean. It was oddly quiet, there was no noise except for the waves coming to the shore and it was slow and gentle like it was peace on the other side of the forest. "I hope, there is something out there that can help me."

Ali was able to begin to walk without the shakiness in her legs, so she began a strong yet steady jog into the forest. The canopy of trees above kept sun from her body, she didn't have water, food oir shelter and most likely something bad would happen. The sun that escaped through the trees was warm on her skin as she bent over to pick up something and it happened to be an orange lily. Going to the nearest tree she laid it down at the trunk so she knew that she had passed it before. Breathing heavy Ali leaned her face against the tree trunk for a minute as she laid her hand over her heart her eyes scanned the light with anxious eyes. Ali just wanted to see movement that would trigger that she was not alone in a vast land unlike the humans. Maybe the humans are just around the corner, you are just lost Ali. The thought kept running through her brain as she darted into the woods with new found energy.

The crunch of twigs nearby made Ali's heart skip a few beats as she faltered in her steps and crashed to the ground. Holding back a scream she touched her ankle before scrambling backwards. Jumping when she hit the back of a tree trunk she wasn't sure which was more frightening, whatever had made the noise or her injured ankle. Squeezing her eyes shut Ali pressed her face into her hands and she shed a few tears, the noise was getting closer and she knew it, Ali didn't have a weapon to defend herself or anything to scare them off, but the light quick steps on the foliage was different than the heavy, clutzy movements from before, "Go away!" She shouted with her tear stained face she looked up to see a little boy standing there.

"Why?" The little voice was sweet and full of wondernment, he must not be human she thought as she got a closer look at him, he had something scrawled on his skin and it looked engraved there. In a shaky voice he stepped forward, "They call me Little Water, so who are you?"
Ali was confused he was talking all polite and like he wasn't scared of her. "I am Ali. What is this place?" Her entence was clipped and horrible, but she was still scared and she wasn't going to show it. If she said any longer sentences then he would be able to hear the shaking in her voice.
"Well, this is our sacred land, we live here and this is the "Ocean" territory. We aren't human if you are wondering, each one of us can control one or two elements, but they correspond with each other it could be equal or opposite. Me for example I have ice and water." Little Water nodded his head at his own pride as he walked towrads Ali. "There is room in our village, maybe you will be accepted for now, but you had better make a good impression on our leader or he will kill you." The bluntness of his voice made Ali uncomfortable as she tried to get up her ankle gave out and she crumpled back to the ground as she held her ankle.
"We have healers, we owe you that much since you escaped a Hunter, plus we have been watching you closely, you didn't end up in the plains, but the "Haldis" territory, they are the Hunters and we don't get along well." Little Water smiled as he helped Ali to her feet. Slinging her arm over his shoulder he wrapped his small arm around her waist and he was surprisingly strong for his age.
"Thanks." Ali whispered as they began to walk forward with a slow pace. "I feel bad about this, but thank you anyway for supporting me."
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